Enrich your pregnancy with a Dru Yoga programme
* To strengthen your postural muscles in preparation for thechanqinq centre of gravity and the
added front load you will soon be supporting.
* To strengthen and tone the deep internal muscles and orqans-supportinq the birth process.
* To improve circulation to the legs - again preparing for the extra weight-bearing. This helps to
prevent varicose veins, swelling and fatigue.
* To create a strong connection with the breath, discovering it's full potential. A deep trust and
friendship with the breath can be vital to a smooth labour.
* To learn the relaxing deeply at will.
* To develop a connection with your child using visualisation and affirmations.
* To create a positive inner environment. Everything that you are and experience becomes an
intricate part of your child.
* To cultivate the personal qualities you will need after the birth: Endless patience,
endurance, perseverence, compassion, unconditional love, ...
Making an Appointment with Yourself
Gentle and Relaxing should be your keywords
Your body is changing. Be prepared to continually adapt the movement programme as you
progress into your pregnancy.
Attitude - enjoy living in the moment as you move - no element of competition or challenge
It is important to cultivate a positive and harmonious environment internally and externally.
Postures [as suggested by your Dru Yoga teacher]
Positive Affirmations Inspirational Quotes
Energy Block Release Sequences are great.
Unless already practising yoga, do not begin during the first three months.
No straining at any time.
Avoid Surya Namaskara [The Sun Sequence]
No inverted postures, Squatting should become a regular feature.
After 5 months many of the postures can be performed from a sitting position if standing creates
tiredness in the legs and back. Towards the end of the pregnancy lying on the back becomes
less comfortable. It can also be problematic as the weight of the baby compresses a major#
artery thus reducing oxygen supply and causing dizziness.
Practice meditation regularly .
l.earninq to sit peacefully with yourself is very important to help you cultivate the most noble of
human qualities, love, humility, compassion, the greatest gifts a mother can offer her children.
Adopt a comfortable sitting position using cushions as props where necessary. You may wish to
be supported by a wall behind you.
Post-Natal Programme - please wait for at least six weeks following the birth of your child
before resuming your yoga practice. The ligaments in the areas of the hip and low back have
become very soft to facilitate the birth and need some time for the pelvis and lower back to
return to normal. Ask your health practitioner if you are in any doubt.
Dru Prenatal Yoga ®
* To strengthen your postural muscles in preparation for thechanqinq centre of gravity and the
added front load you will soon be supporting.
* To strengthen and tone the deep internal muscles and orqans-supportinq the birth process.
* To improve circulation to the legs - again preparing for the extra weight-bearing. This helps to
prevent varicose veins, swelling and fatigue.
* To create a strong connection with the breath, discovering it's full potential. A deep trust and
friendship with the breath can be vital to a smooth labour.
* To learn the relaxing deeply at will.
* To develop a connection with your child using visualisation and affirmations.
* To create a positive inner environment. Everything that you are and experience becomes an
intricate part of your child.
* To cultivate the personal qualities you will need after the birth: Endless patience,
endurance, perseverence, compassion, unconditional love, ...
Making an Appointment with Yourself
Gentle and Relaxing should be your keywords
Your body is changing. Be prepared to continually adapt the movement programme as you
progress into your pregnancy.
Attitude - enjoy living in the moment as you move - no element of competition or challenge
It is important to cultivate a positive and harmonious environment internally and externally.
Postures [as suggested by your Dru Yoga teacher]
Positive Affirmations Inspirational Quotes
Energy Block Release Sequences are great.
Unless already practising yoga, do not begin during the first three months.
No straining at any time.
Avoid Surya Namaskara [The Sun Sequence]
No inverted postures, Squatting should become a regular feature.
After 5 months many of the postures can be performed from a sitting position if standing creates
tiredness in the legs and back. Towards the end of the pregnancy lying on the back becomes
less comfortable. It can also be problematic as the weight of the baby compresses a major#
artery thus reducing oxygen supply and causing dizziness.
Practice meditation regularly .
l.earninq to sit peacefully with yourself is very important to help you cultivate the most noble of
human qualities, love, humility, compassion, the greatest gifts a mother can offer her children.
Adopt a comfortable sitting position using cushions as props where necessary. You may wish to
be supported by a wall behind you.
Post-Natal Programme - please wait for at least six weeks following the birth of your child
before resuming your yoga practice. The ligaments in the areas of the hip and low back have
become very soft to facilitate the birth and need some time for the pelvis and lower back to
return to normal. Ask your health practitioner if you are in any doubt.
Dru Prenatal Yoga ®