Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture needles are used to help with pain caused by muscular spasm caused by myofascial trigger points.
Myofascial trigger points are highly irritable localized areas within muscles. Why these trigger points occur is not fully understood.
The purpose of using acupuncture is to sedate these trigger points and the pain they cause.
The purpose of using acupuncture is to sedate these trigger points and the pain they cause.
Musculoskeletal Medical Acupuncture
Can be called dry needling, needles are inserted and we follow the western approved anatomy and physiology which differs from traditional Chinese Medicine.
Essential features of Medical Acupuncture
Essential features of Medical Acupuncture
- Accepted methods of case history and examinations including special tests to gain a diagnosis
- The appropriate dosage of acupuncture tailored to the individual
- Any further treatment is tailored to the response of the patient.